A business card from the local band Andromeda.
I remember hearing them play a lot in the Squires Ballrooms, along with another popular local band called Happy.
Playing foozball in the back of Mr. Fooz. This is me and "Old Man" taking on some unknown opponent.
A schedule of events for Deadwood Days 1979.
A night shot of Peoples Drug Store, in the early days of the University Mall.
Inside the bar called Spankys, located above what is now D.P. Dough on Main Street. The spot was also home to the Campus Club, and then later (and the last thing to be there) the Ton 80 club.
A poster advertising a really cool place at 209 College Avenue called the Water Closet.
John's Camera Corner on Draper Road. Even though we're in the digital age, John is still alive and well and still has a camera shop on Draper.